Sunday, November 17, 2013

Marking Period Two Independent Reading Book Intro Post

For the second marking period of AP English, I will be reading "How to Win Friends and Influence People" by Dale Carnegie.  This book is basically a book that leads people down the road of success.  After reading this book, people should be able to turn any bad situation around and obtain the job of their dreams. This self-help book is divided into four different sections.  They include, Three Fundamental Techniques in Handling People, The Six Ways to Make People Like You, The Twelve Ways to Win People to Your Way of Thinking, and The Nine Ways to Change People Without Arousing Resentment.  As can be seen, the titles of the sections seem rather comical, which is one part as to why I chose this book.  I was going through a list of the best non-fiction books in Times Magazine when I saw this one.  Just the title intrigued me because I found it funny and I felt that the book actually would help me.  You see, I was computer schooled through middle school so when I went to high school, I noticed that some of my people skills deteriorated.  Therefore, I wanted to read this book in order to help redevelop those skills.  I hope to gain better people skills from reading this book.  I also have been having problems with my friends so I hope that I will gain a better understanding of how to deal with them and our issues from this book.  Another reason why I chose to read this guide is because I always feel bad when I am the one odd one out of a group of people.  I would really like to be able to charm my way into getting along with everyone seamlessly but still be able to be myself.  By reading Carnegie’s book, I will essentially learn how to better deal with many of my personal insecurities and how to advance socially and professionally, not that I even have a job yet.  

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