Sunday, November 24, 2013

TOW #10: The Devastating Abortion Story That Could Change the Way You Vote by Liz Welch (the words of Vanessa Riley)

Vanessa Riley has had a devastating experience in her life the loss of a child.  However, this child was still in her womb when she was told to terminate her pregnancy.  Since Riley herself had this experience, she is credible to talk about the issue at hand: abortion in politics.  As everyone knows, abortion is a controversial issue in politics.  Democrats want to give women a choice while Republicans want to take the choice away from women and make abortion illegal. When Riley heard about the new abortion laws about banning abortion at twenty weeks of pregnancy in Texas, she went to Austin in July and shared her story to lawmakers.  Yet, the laws were passed and are now being enforced by the Supreme Court.   In this article, Riley’s story is shown as well as her pro-life views in order to appeal to her audience of aged 18+ women to see how bad pro-life views are.  In order to convince the audience to adapt her view(s), she uses an appeal to pathos, logic, and a persuasive ending argument.  Riley’s appeal to emotions is basically the entire story.  She shares her sad story of how she had trouble getting pregnant, got pregnant, and how she ended her pregnancy and lost a child.  Her use of logic is shown when even after she shared her heartbreaking story with Texas lawmakers, they still passed the law that she was protesting.  It did not make sense that after such a touching story those people were fine with passing the legislation.  Finally, Riley says in order to bring her point home, “I hear their war cry of "Pro-Life!" and I think of what my little girl's future would have been under these laws with two words — what life?”  She is arguing that if these laws were there during her pregnancy, her deceased fetus would have had a bad quality of life due to its illnesses, such as lemon sign.  By using these appeals, Riley effectively shares her story and manages to persuade at least a few people to be against pro-life views.  
Riley's Life Five Weeks Later (23 Weeks not 18)

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