Sunday, January 12, 2014

TOW #15: Album review: Katy Perry grows up, gets spiritual on ‘Prism’ by Allison Stewart

Katy Perry is a famous singer and songwriter known for being somewhat risque when she performs and having sort of bubblegum pop music.  However, according to Allison Stewart of the Washington Post, credible for having listened to Perry’s music and for watching the VMA’s that she describes in the text, Perry is growing up with her new album, “Prism”.  “Prism” is Perry’s first album since “Teenage Dream” in 2010 and her divorce from husband, Russell Brand, and when she first performed her single “Roar” at the VMA’s, Katy was upstaged by Miley Cyrus.  The upstagement by Cyrus prompted Stewart to review Katy’s new album and essentially Katy herself for an audience of Katy Cats and anyone else interested in music.  Stewart reviews Katy Perry as a person by practically smashing her to bits with the use of sarcasm in an attempt to critique “Prism”.  Although there are times when Stewart does compliment something about the album, it’s usually coupled with an insult.  For example she wrote, “The best songs on “Prism” are the ones that don’t need to be taken on faith — fluffball romps through all the trending genres Perry and her producers can stuff into their shopping carts.”  As anyone can see, even though she starts out by saying something that will seem good, Stewart ends up making fun of the variety of songs and genres on Perry’s new cd.  However, at least that phrase starts out with nothing nasty, unlike the rest of the review.  Stewart wrote, “Partly motivated by the philosophy of New Age guru Eckhart Tolle, “Prism” is bedazzled with the type of one-size-fits-all spiritual catchphrases of someone who once read a self-help book in an airport.”  By using the word “bedazzled,” Stewart is sort of making fun of Perry and pop music because the word is rather girly, like pop is assumed to be.  Also, Stewart is essentially making fun of not only Perry here, but her fans as well.  All in all, Stewart clearly accomplishes her purpose of chastising Katy Perry and insulting her new album.  

"Prism" by Katy Perry

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